If you are considering joining ChiroHealthUSA, you are among a growing number of people who are finding themselves uninsured, underinsured, or with limitations on their plans.
As benefits for chiropractic care dwindle, more families are forced to choose between needed chiropractic care and other necessities. Because patients with insurance coverage have the benefit of the carrier negotiating the fees with the doctor, cash-paying patients, or those with non-covered services like Mediare beneficiaries, may actually have to pay MORE than insured patients. ChiroHealthUSA allows patients to use the membership concept they are already familiar with to access needed care for their immediate family.
Doctors are usually required to charge insurance companies and patients the same fees unless they are under a network contract for a lower fee. ChiroHealthUSA is a contracted network that allows doctors to set and accept discounts on their services for our members. When you join ChiroHealthUSA, you are entitled to similar “in-network” discounts just like the insurance companies.
- A single $49 annual membership includes everyone in your immediate family.
- Partially insured patients who have coverage for some services and not others, like Medicare patients, may use their ChiroHealthUSA benefits to complement their existing benefits, specifically for the non-covered services.
- Patients may use their membership cards at more than 3,000 doctors in the network.
By joining the ChiroHealthUSA program, you immediately become a member and are eligible to enjoy these discounts. To join, simply complete a membership application in our office. We will collect the membership fee and submit it online for processing. You will be given a temporary card to use until your membership card arrives in 3-4 weeks. It’s just that simple!